Just check a few of the reviewers links and you'll quickly see, these people are pumping up each other's works by adding 10 star reviews for each other. It's a "you scratch my back, I scratch yours" world for them. And I guess it worked, this utterly terrible, incredibly shoddily produced movie is now in IMDB's most recommended despite the 3.7 rating, because there are so many good reviews of it...What this really is, is a by the numbers boring post-apocalypse movie. You have seen one of these, you have seen them all. Woman who is surprisingly well off living alone in the apocalypse - and even has a cute little dog - takes in a lone kid and helps him survive, then they face some evil warlord who is basically Fagin from Oliver Twist and enslaves children for work. Oh and all this is topped by nanobot clouds which look like the transforming effects of the KSI robots from Transformers - Age of Extinction, but done with technology from 2000. I was reminded of morphing effects I have seen on Cleopatra 2525.The acting is incredibly bad, both the woman and the kid are wooden planks who put Neil Breen to shame. This thing should be reviewed by Red Letter Media, not recommended as high art. I give it 2 stars for being entertainingly bad.
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