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The Secret Of Dr. Flappe


Android 4 was originally a failed secret weapon The Red Ribbon Army tried to develop before Dr. Gero joined. Gero seen the deactivated droid just laying there in a scarp pile when he arrived at the lab but ignored it for a time seeing as it didn't seem useful to him aside for spare parts if needed. After the failure of Android 3, Gero was having another creative block. A week went by and after finding out that the secret weapon Red Ribbon was a secret weapon from Dr. Flappe, who had heard that from one of the generals, Gero seen potential especially after learning about its capabilities. Given the original plans from that same general, Gero and Flappe brainstormed for a few hours. They seen that the speed and efficiency of the old model stood out so they redesigned the plans specifically for speed and speed for attacking, while also having some power to it. After construction and modification it was time to program it. Programming seemed to be effective and then it was time for testing. Android 4 passed the battle demonstration with flying colors. After battle testing, Gero wanted to do field testing. When outdoors Android 4 would wander off never to be seen for days at a time though always coming back with a prey of some kind which, at first impressed Gero, but over time Gero got annoyed. Gero would get even more annoyed at the fact that the android would act like a dog with Dr. Flappe because of Flappe's gentile nature. After being frustrated of trying to call the android back to no avail, Gero attempted more programing which also failed. So Gero came up with a plan to use Android 4 as an assassin, which actually seemed to work. Gero proposed the idea to the generals of the Red Ribbon Army but the idea was met with mostly negative responses and was told that they are conducting full force/head on military conquest and would have no need to use assassination's at this time. Also the fact that it was sort of disobedient didn't help much either. Much to his dismay, Gero decided it had no practical use for him at the time and shut it down but didn't scrap it as he though the android might be useful for other things in the future or if the generals changed their minds.

UL eLA *a I-w. L. do&,6" .S.-w. dNortheast.1th ner V. r.ndep ot& 1ut aadow ; .- b ."pgere" a"d paiiate Va* e r 4t sar M Idm era-wn biek etaising 6 r.; gat. Newly de"esteNotest.--- - as h sta e iaWILLIjA K.S01 SoVUMth r Buds., 1fPhones Maiin $7se,60s a apri * iA WILIA K.ndetached home In bestSowe"'sc4o; Ultra snodern mitiled bath, breakfast andagporch; hardwoed door; hotbt; 4*trio lights; garageoji to paved alle ; attractive.00 for quick sa e.kal-detached hpme . of six room*bath; front and double reerleetric lights.. hot-waterigarage; ne loca'lon; $1,500SmIU 7paymeut.McKEEVE140 Eye Street.3kUTIMUIL 7-room, R. hall, bath; cellarander whole h03.e; large, light attic;fer bedrooms; ua-water heat; electricity;; tot 40x130; beautiful, reflped locality;no beautifully 1roished; $6.000; $1.500b for all; $40 mlonthly.. C. WALKER. Kresge Bldg.. 11th & G.COLORED.$4,766-$700 CASIH.Os M at. N. S., between Sth and dth.,two-family apartment of 6 rooms and bathedeb; I trobe heat, nice deep y d to wide02y. with plentyof rodan garage;Uetpd at pro-war price of $40 per m6ath.4 spendid Investment and home.-eLACHI.EN BANKINO CORP'N.Real Estate Dept.. 10th and 0.Main 432. Evenings, North 1026-3.YoR SA.LE-By owner, northwest location;RIce, cosy home, 6 rooms. tiled bath,electric lights, parquet floor.; room for garage; vacant; only $000 cash requitred; realbargain; act quick. Address BOX A-31,T40es office.PRETTY home of 3 rooms, bath, sleepingporch; front and side porch.s; gas; electricity; garage for 2 cars; lot 601300. withfruit, shade and pretty lawns; close toears; $6.000; $1.000 cash; $50 monthly.O0. C. WALKER. Kresge Bldg., 11th & G.6-ROOM and bath brick house on Marionat. N. W., bet. Gth and 7th ate. and Qd Ri in perfect condition; price. $6,600.rp BOX A -, t.nes office.SUBURBAN FOR SALE1OW to be your own landlord at ChevyChase on 300 down and $16 per month.per full particulars write. telephone or callo JAMN8 H. GORDON, 413 Evans bldg.Main 2778.tYSO-Wssvterms; 6-room and bath. eleca o oito ne-pipe furnace; gas seweraM Water; large grodads; near city; oneO are; act quick -to get this-too good1 . -f RANN CO.,.7 11th . N. W.SitAL5--At acriftee; bungalow; 4, um.bath. electric light, fruit, out-buildiae large lot. Write BOX 393 Times. *'Homette* at Hatheld, Va.Mefour rooms; One well; lot 502140ts y; im ediate posession; few hesjswn; blance lIke rent.PRICU. 53,176.a get three adjoining Iota em sameyapmesta; must be aeon to be appreoiated."Horne-8te "/ $850 up.Dmnmn Locations, $800 up.$10 Desposit; $5 Monthly;dwellIngs' and atore; easyagef4n o premieen every day.R. 8. ROBERTS,OPPOSITU STATION,Hatheld. Va.4 le.froem 12th at. amd Pa. ave. N. W.. .Address, Fort Myer. Vs,U house, bath: gas, eletrcity;relot; will sell or rt. Phoneo Ii3-J.ANRNS FOR SALEVwIr sa farm list, homeoekers.* LOTS FOR MALEYeover 304 cIty building lots forone et them clear of debt, one'bestthen. I am selling thefm for to what they will be selling for3. D. GARMAN,Duet NationaS spak Bldg.PROP'WATY WAN4TEDEPBTA ECALU oolered man, a sixui bea e em n tems N.w. sectionweaproperty of any hind teiIthe prios b right liat it with me.a gret lmanJ stive buayera.tNatIonal ak B idg.PDONOHOM A IONS,Os biit rListof Homes aaO R OUUDI FOR gAj.gsoet desiain te makeproperty with mmv. neennMnA atas' us .JIO 86 14.6en IL ease,04 01" a sSa nowSftu, I esa.A _ L1. It r.$160 .'040 eso". 44h 4. o r. andr . . J. &V0, Sar15.163500 ave. m" 49th. TP.I 1W8 Cirsa . r. and b.$s KwsN.- s .e and K.dJ.ath;erab-w d r0.Ws st '. gosh. 41 r. ad b.t ,ss.14 4. and en bath;. m . re e .e -mOde paow 6,653t . vArb.SI.IfA-9s6 PIRO ,atuem vais..si30 st. A r n All$13.900- ear t tireo. Attrestive Ir. ad b;elea.ial-et; h.-w. h..olee.. doeble briek gaine,$12.606t at. Mass. ave. 0 r. andsle, ight Veeast.00edrateHARTUNG,&h and I St. N. W.and Main 100.& 0038,- Mta IftMART.*6,680.Near 14th ad .lorida avanse; mixroom and home of - brieck amstruotloa colenial front perch;electric h heating plan:statloary tebe; space -forgarage on RI-foot alloy;*6.T5*,Brilt home of six rooms and tileath; edlonlal front porch; doubleresr porches; hot-water heat; electriclight.; hardwood Soors and trim;1.6:4 Iaitial psymeat--asy monthlypayments.&'GOSS,Main 475,3USUIES ROPfRTY FOR SA6 DUPONT CIRCLAI-Musicni and literaryartists for teaching or practice; alsotor club teotlas or private parlor ontertainet 6C 9 p. m Pr. 1330.COMPLETE stocked grocery, meat aspdtogetable market; rent $2T month; longlease; up-to-date Axturee. S0T Rock CreekChurch road; act Sickly.P!" EXCHANGEI HAVE a large acreage in thebest oil and gas belt in Oklahoma; will consider part cashand trade; what have you? Submit offer, BOX A-40, Time office.WHAT HAVE you to trade?We have several apts., improved and unimproved real estate, in. Washington and out oftown. For quick results consultTHE W. V. OGLE CO., Inc., 3rdfloor, Muney bldg. Main 8711.REAL ESTATE LOANSIf you have good second trust to sell Ican sell it for you, and get you the cash.Or I will exchange you good city buildinglots for It.J. D. GARMAN,District National Bank Bldg.MONEY TO LOAN-S26 to- 60.0 ea aC. real estate. Severai trust Inad. AMtransactione eeumucted with eebneiedeensdeatilo' for borrowers.WM. H. SAUNDERS &6&uthern Buildlng. $01 36th . W.CLAIRVOYANTSLAgUtsed by the District of CkumbisDIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHERS.MARTHA SPENCER.ONE OP THE WORLD'S MOST DISTINlGUISHED MENTAL PSYCHIC.NEMDUSAND LIFE READERS.+UIO. 924 14th St. N. W.CONSULT THIS GIFTED LADY AND BECONVINCED PERSONALLY OF THEHONESTY AND SINCERITY OP HERIf you are In trouble of any kInd. discontented, unhappy, have had bad luck, or atroubles that annoy you. Mmne. Spencer wiItell you shout them and how to overcomethem. Her advIce and assistance havemade thousands -happy.IT WILL HELP YOU.THE REASON MMD. SPENCER HASA TTAINED GREAT SUCCESS IS BECAUSEOP THE MANNER4 IN WHICH SHE DEALTWITH HER CLIENTS WITHIN LAST 20YEARS. In the first place, her businessmethods are aseolutely clean and honeet;11 NEVER PROMISES MORE THANI IS ABSOLUTELY SURE THATSHE CAN DO; she makes no misleadingor unbuslneeellke proposltions; while she isanxious to help every one, she wants to dese upon an honest, fair. and squmare basiswIth mutual coanidence and respect betweenherself and elient. 11 SHE CANNOT HELPYOU, S HE WILL NOT TAKE YOURMON EY'. Cut this out for future maccmsand reference. Hours 10 to ? p. m. CRemember the address. 24 14th st. N. W. eACKN4OWL3DGEI) TO HAVE NO EQUAL.CARLETTA,MEDIUM AND PSYCHIC MENTALIT.INSPIRATIONAL LIFE READER.- TELLS YOUR NAMESTUDIO, 1220 0 ST. N. W.Tells you the cause of your trouble. hewto permanently overcome it; tells names offriends, enemies; husband, wIfe or sweetheart it false or true; yho to trust, whpto avoId. REUNITES SEPARAT.D, WHOAND WHEN MARRY IF EVitFOR POSITIVE REdULTS A IR ALLOTHERS PAIL. SEE CARLETTA. eMADAM STANLEY.Celebrated setentinec Gypsy Palmist, permanentiy (toN. T. ave., cor th t. ,OF MBLIMONT.Noted Clairvoyant ad Palmaist, earn jyowl lIfe by the lines In yew pam.w, oare the reord of yoar tie. eng a gdunto oft6wo colleges oal rm. awenderful gift ot second eIght saae ito lIft the veil of mtystery and reato& uImportant raatters of your future life0healthaand fanily frts tells mo0yor future husband er wife; tellS it eea love is true or false; what pa et heoomatry M lucktest to you; oit tee tobe sucotsstui in life remevue trbes.all nattare; brings te separated tdue;tell. -.e secret .. avi., ger..a. nkego wit roar assetl re emfAe, Io181isNew Yerk sos. 6.'I., meatAeor to Maesonie Temple, e60e ' MADAM ALLEN 50eCfA.RVOYANT? AND) PALMIBT.(luarantees to read year entire lIfe--past.prese and faure isi tru edven404.w -SIPseitMADAU KATI,an nd"aathe Power the many eer"Itet' wliyfe. Sheases , ostien t ettrta 9 a r sames edeMbow toso ma sos -"e attr omr bitleaJo" orelp ysAre is Do you 14 the em Iet ou0 to ou$be Veea IANDYOU D 0 1OL the eaetloth e dCeese abent "k relativ 0seIomes enemies evils and lus Iof all II4: hJUIngyo tok and oUt advise youon aulleSt. N. W.Over Restaursat. e5410MM ULLS-41oUgyptia.p l .gves tre advtee Iabusisessi - . " and family afairtells who a wM' marry ad howto avoid 555 evil inaese,Osmea readies . so eata, 1134IT at.. N. , betwee Id and A.MMD, PARKXR,Gifted_ ireai ad Medium. eas tellYou ig wish to know In bustmess, h th or family affairs. Whom andwho -will marry what to do to be'- Ufe. and Low to win and holdthe one of cw shot*e. stisfaetion or aochartie. 1311 at. N. W.. eL 13th adMADA LEONA.This woodrfl lay reads your past.present ad future life: tells how te s-cceed ao baiess, love afairs, diveree ad many ether case Whomoeeki amian don't fal to visit her.One t will eovinee you. Conadeatialreadingl *w vPROF. ARTHANNoted Spiritualist Medium, gives ecialmessage seance this evesing at 9 o loetIn Society Hall, 56l0 a t. N. W. He willanswer questions. Hear him; you willmake so mistake.lMM. JMANTTE.s V WrassT N. W.Giftad Egyptiam elsirvoyant and almist.guarantees to road yu tre liUf,oad u what "angiving ng e dateand gamematter%; love, heath and family afairs.Tells the aof who ye will marry andwhen. If e e yU Iove is te or false,what part the eeuntry is luckiest fora, and twhat to do to bes--es**fulaslf. rns Uhe separated toge r. removes troubles of all natures so ye and h the one is leve.$edas 1. U$ PI et.esand anet to ShObert-GaLrek.MADAWVONDA.M a palamist and ciairvmat ha"a isYght 69 human nature and w th,or gft t 1:0 your pan. pese0 faiiry afirs, u'nows andlov; tll.the.meofthe one yeu wllmarry and when; removes evil indusneesand hsllrs the separated together; sheha hat othre and eaS help M telasjust you want * to know. l2g,309 Tth st. N. W. Opposte aksk *IF YOtU HAVE any serious trouble on yourmind .see MADAM I. at once. 712 5thSt. N. W.PROPOSALSOFFICE OP THjE COMMISSIONERS. D.C.. January 32. 1921. BALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office,Room 509, District Building, until 2o'clock. p. m., on January 21. 1931, forthe construction of approximately 360linear feet of 10-inch djameter pipe sewer.Forms of proposuls, specifications andnecessary information may be obtainedfrom the Chief Clerk. Engineer Department, Room 427. District Building. Wash.ington. D. C. J. THILMAN HUNDRICK.CHARLES W. KUTZ. MABEL T. BOARDAN, Commissioners. D. C.LEGAL NOTICESZONING COMMISSION of the Districtof Columbia. January 12. 1931. In complid wIth the provisions of section 3.of an Act of Qongress, approve4 March 1.1920. ("Public Vo. 163. 66th Congress. entitled 'An Act to regulate the height.area and use of buildings in the Districtof Columbia and to create a moning commission, and for other purposes')," noticeis hereby given that a public hearing willbe held in the Board Room-of the DiPtrict Building, at 10 o'clock a. m. February 3, 1921, for the purpose of onsiderIng the following proposed changes in theboundaries of the height, area and usedistricts and in jhe regulations heretoforeidopted by the Zoning Commission of theDistrict of Columbia, to-wit:Change from residentIal district to first,oommercial district-Lots 300 to 204 inclusive. Square 163; Lot 6, Square 1136;Lot 36, Square 343.Change. from residential and "B" area tolrnt commercial and "C" area:-Lote 100Sto 163 InclusIve, Square 123.Change from reeldentlal and forty-footheight to second commercial and eIghtyfive-foot height!-Such portion of Square2574 as is new teeldentlal.Amend . dadnition of community houseunder Bectiott I to read as follows: Community House: A group of not more thanthree single family dwellIngs so designedas to give the appearance of a single-buildlag and erected simultaneously.* Amend parsph 12, dection 3 to reedan follows: T5e usual accessories of areeidece, loaed- on the 'same lot withthat pacidence not involvIng the conduetet a busines .but including the office ofa physiciad,. dentist or other pereen residing on the premises and Inceleding aimoone private garage located not less R$han66 feet back from the front building lineof such lot or, 19 the case of Vdwelllngonly in a fierof coprtet wihdjeiing rformp vats adtion bt suchta 6feet. back of the rnt uildinline of sucb lot and opening upon a public alley. and' Including also home oocupations engaged in by the occupants of adwelling not involving the eendnct .of abusans on - he premisse: Provided, thatsowindow display nor any sign otherahn a name plate not exceeding onesquare feet in area. and hearing only thename and occupation of the occupastshall be allowed as appertainlng te seeafi es or os hoettoccupaties as perAmend the paragraphs concerning redSards gd aide yards under Seettom XVIT,jhe pfagrph concerning side yard undertien VIII and paragraph I of geetlenIIX so as to decrease the requirements ofthese patagraphs.Amend the first paragrapih of leotlonXyiti to read as follows:-Ia the "Dy' aredistrict the minimum dimensions of yaprdsand courts *nd the maxImum perestageet let occupane'? shall be sellews: Pro.vided, however, that any bull ing or partof a butilding designed or use fer habitatIes, eodging or offices herefter erectedem structurally altered in the 'ty' ares dietrict shall confern, with the regelations otthe "C" area district.Xase astt eon aatp of Deetermityw Ith the fore 4 paragrphall ep in Lhe case ofdwellinge orsrhn o s eoplcuously pested iaer upon the prameceo to which they appy that the same may be.-reati seenAd nthe foloieng psnar tto leetion XXI8:-"Any person vIolating anysevision of these reguiatiene the violatinof which to not provided for by thAct under which they are made shall beliabte to a fine of net more than Si100.66pr day for each and every day such vIelatina she te.permiltte4 to ."N, cA . U. RYDW, as atLOODS, -vSasto own4IMa adanS Mo, m soeemtha= W7 ely And herby oafero derT is by thef L of ait' 9 i bi ls d o is*tti.e esad Thet O -lat -an Se16e/1 b he the aied boytie eamaetda ats seet prot daead ontheie serebte faoor adteoriet C . 11 t.1 -a*. the eeo ta dob toeno Ceaemare en ties. and t DiatrettuIraa eHe o t h e ad them ed h partic a the atPea rnd th waaI g a sh ssbudsn hyd to t a PA im./g ouTeast o angdo, AMCPloll. Ait lrkSett o Am l/1 estree rOd serve bs the at by Mou=dI. frhi or tope :9 d11 ine of therfee aD .R D h eat d tee Chael r Distrie tl - U b seen ona.efr and aa the. theb Iaade Ste -naerts n the e o .re the psaw nome. h tt.fCobia Clersin th pbet eand fne.iando emli the Com r.ti sh ayf mae Its AL. er a.1. fn DanD hat te Clf rdinthe Court lti to a ai lLuha ome re tv ntemdl te1aia peseaen thel and to hedoaticopy ofaThis o beforee1 to to foppr tn nha COIt onlokOf Po rours to nawerthe id pe-dD tIse a rs the sot nt dahe. 1 y tha prt oWPae 11 0c,"" O"oN H.d ACHel Cn4meattobyParcel 11 /i.obounded e the ontBy th. BnorW. Aiest Cark.atetPoAN An uthe ret lmec tatr3et p0.longeD. A. GAMBLE. aond ALEX. A.Sjh. a r tgdt Shool. iy tSa 4K u *6 8, 19 1 11.O SO llumIa. 09 te PAC thiG of theSurveors of the District, ofholumbd notlendehe o, nditio nomegend adjmointh landonSchoole sn43 oaide in 1the. 19tE ROtE O RED: That acou tof ai citation me Terd NyathenaLuntheda Statea for the dstric ofClbIa nteutewnee o the land eoeohove pandned, herin, gnd fndby the mid petition. toapr I dutis, wiatLin theD1itric of Colsma- . Ad. Ct. 01.litio ihm and toh au ing. goed avdewthe ryer thalerfsould hatin anyInrst ind th partig he. Parcd they114re heeat WfRand on soo a1earintme.ut on orlIIIl boeo the muthdy oheFebruarh A.n D. 1921. to aserohsoad peinand to coi I ttreemdpnoutil t or addi-ioal nae . ad o altoraenP scEn nftrD'Inte awOanArpt ofT TOA CoPoers PUTbapoe, as& the ourts. o ae theSvyoe of the respectiveshouldenot ofilpaconcetrneddtina theolnd and premise. mentioned a dried in theoaid.p, .t t on . ad u t i procedinshll. be fInalycoeI further O R- aDEUD tataryopy of Pa i ordo le bePUbdiSedte arweel for two consectioeeeksl ipo: thek aahno Eeg Star.TheghWe beonemes, an the angbtnhet saidera publishdeduis thIe District oCo and san Uentaysth."Tdeedthat "-"a nhavn .a.boThe id 4h da Tef tepird .day o s. AD . 1921 . to WnDeLLt.BTa AD pei us adtoic sseI An atruaneunktilte Ct: shRaN H.# maeH Ctflekorder ratng ued cotisagi eelarn, aeportofimtely Somigsine to H. %DpoiRt.d Swor tour by alsALEX. A. HAtLpesons con ... 1Mo me ACKooes an STO - thepad eion, andun tisid reteodpUENIED SThat aG coy fths rerbwe honI e ain 25ort liening Str. ,rho WashigndTi aulsagandethe dasinton W Ps.nwpppbhoed n tesai.bIfor th sidN 11e dae of FobrUD. 121-. or Us. Court. 10 3. ap t.B T St: MRADOC. BECH.Cek14P9a. ULIW. kethCon. 4IS.PADD.Aubob captal $0,00s00016 a ppxiely . signed. L. 13WSUA.U. AMBLE an ANDX A3PW.HAR. wo2.rn to 0 b a. ALEX . NARW.Sanitary P.alaceSNm AND FNAdeLZlavesto gyermta a 81,00 Seaul er east el= Wm .. an. .w.e. SoI sema Qe aM Vceass la the ood "OMhiServing eueleoiveluNdpowee- t sUlm" V1 eieaht 4teertte7 i Eaands dogln.=Ohio and Pensylvaspia.The notde ae a direct blgatiso ofthe empany and its enly fundedsurplus oarags I the year%1 J= so, 19". were approi.matoly , lid"e nanual Interestehargoe n the m6.00 motes. We believe the= to be a Sound ivoestaeat.CanRO DO PASCO BONDL.her A. I. Ae-I am thi ngas ofas 100 Cesio do Pasese 0oper Cemetien a Per est gebead. I shall be grateful to you ifyou will express your opinion of09EWSMR1HOSOF GRAIN MARKETSClifford Thorne, of Chiago,Says System Does Not Injure the Produoers.A general defens of. grain marbettranactions was made today beforethe Hoes Agriculture Committee byCligord Thorne, of Chicago. representIng aerchant organizations.Evils in the present marketing system. Mr. Thorns pointed out, shouldbe corrected by the exchange bodiesthemselvV. He did not think a lawcould be framed to acowplish thisresult that would prove elaetic enoughto permit free trading. gThe practices of sales of futuresand of hedging. where grain was beIng actually dealt in. were justiiedas necessary to the market operations and did not serve to Injure theproduedr.With the conclusion of tle testiEDUCATIONALCOLUMBIASCHOOL orDRAFTING.., C. ...., Pi14te & TlSret North 272eMMh a..--., amINdii l ruCtonCoures in 3 to 9 Monthsan"2 or Waste tor Latest CatalogueEKFER ANY TBIEPublic Speaking(15 Weh Coma Opel. Jan. 1?)(January 11)11oeetemlm Caimes our Opea.'g. s26 * " "c' : . -t. PC. .GEORGE WASHINGTONUNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOLNew student ma enter at the beginning ot the aeodsmester. nd.January 21. Perenoen and late aternen1435 K WRUUB N. W.Speeish school Of Washimgs.Prof.. fromn spain. 1423-36 0 at. nw. K. L6SS.-St. John's CollegeSchool ofCoimnerce and,Financetratln daily. er hFcho stuRentaart buelneis NuEn. torlgn languaand apeclal .ecreaa cent.LAKE SCHOOLUas Osamees-ngetee 2aarM.421-15 Ueatte 3Mgd. Ibh ama iss.Free to Ex-dand #Neqd comre ha hiinem.e tam, shorthand typJesare now beinguesColumbus' Eveedag Sehs-free to men and moerne.ena-e fro sericMaries Prmn desirthis oer sheotd resistrJsrnusry 31, either at.13tar 1004 F strast N. W.V" bow ase dw o_wUna seses Leans l -a-..e-e ae eak a v -ewgoo a , r 1Osle- ar"of$4 for ene et 0 esb.'met -e&larng fgoson a t e aen ls thangaggage% anesee. ad slaMfan UhhI anating totoal iasso*amnats to tW0N0 an he 1ad4are due a 1980, beang the only taded doe of the sempay. moe 1olathe oaay pae d $11.11 In divideds e 86,39mares et no waYaine. sFrom Its -eorties in Peru it hasproudOed I the last fIve Years ana5all3 as average of about 64,000,8"pMuds of copper ad .00,00 ouncesof silver. The notes are a direct obligation of the 0 .paxy but not secured by a Sand were issedto reimburse themeapany for, construction of the new smelter. Theyhave an active mtket os the NewYork curb and are regarded favor4My.many of Thorne the eommitted beganeonsideration of the various bills be(ar it. some ot these bills wouldprohibit all deal4 in futures, otherswould tax them out of existence. andstill others would regulate them byUimitilig the time for delivery andthe amount of grain to be traded In.It Is doubtful whether any bill willbe reported from the committee tothe House at the present session, butif a bill should be reported Houseleaders do not think it could bepansed by the Nouse because of thejam of appropriation bills which hasstted.A SN FISHERIESIN TAFF BALANCEFlackers Ask 2 Cents Duty'onHerring to Block OrientalIntoads on Trade.Tariff duties will determise whetherthe Alaskan fisheries are to be heldand United itates or foreigo interestq, A. W. Thomas of Nsattle. Wash. vepresenting the Pacificcoast herrAg packerv today declaredbefore the House Ways and MeansCommittee. He asked a duty of 3cents a pound oh herring."Such a duty is necessary to enableus to compete .ith the New Foundland herring," he declared. "We sitthave a market ope* to us ag far eastas Chicago. Freight rates will not letus come further east.""Unless freight rates are changedyou can not compete even under thisduty with fish and food stufts frornthe Orient." Suggested Chairman Ford.ney.nI do not understand why the Interstate-Commerce Commission shouldgrant to railroads these preferentiallow rates on imports from the Orientwhich are so detrimental to our ownnterests."C. C. Teague. representing the California Walaut Growers Association,asked a duty of four cents a pound onwalnuts.PENNYVANI FIRfFMRV ENGLAb ROADApplicattb of the New Englandrailroads for a readjustment of thedivisional rates with trunk lines, wasopposed todaz before the InterstateCommerce Commission by Robert C.Wright, general traffic manager ofthe Pennilvania syste10.New Edgland carriers are alreadyreceiving more thin their proportionate share of divisional rates,Wright declared. He said that thetrunk lines believe there will be areadjustment of existing rates withina short time and that class rates onsome commodities 'will be Increasedand that such a readjustment wouldOipe out any inequalities now affectag the New England roads.INE SALE SET ASIDEBY U.& S''EME COURTThe sale of the Alice. Gold andSilver ,Mining Company property inyontana to the Anaconda CopperMining Company was set aside todayby the Unitel State. Supreme Courton the ground of inadequacy of price.The sale was tested byv minoritystockholders, who alleged thit $1,500000 paId was not enough atnd thatthere was a violation of the Shermananti-trust law' by the Anaconda Company in an effort to control copperproduction n the Butte district.EDUCATIONALeriig and other subamied at the Kunights of.L. Thea.e ses arewho -rsn homerabeg se tah. ademns ofnot late tha. Uonday,I1 Ma&sma -annAlt. ... g asam na000 MAnp AMAfans. MM M M?m.4uw.r.. V IS gLu.tehv, 49 "isAss a g...-.... ad 1 MsAL p Ow A*.. Ono a"AM aeUa&s. Si IV aS6A.u.uv .... a a SMAmaser. .A a exa mt.A)0.....* S* ON 0sofbute l mo 44 in 74ausL4Vei.Lp- . MU SM at SAM.taerees... Uak aiiM MA1m.aTE. ...... 14 ft &I mf4ANLWfatys... WN &Di Mf 8WAL. eS ....... to a s- e . .... a wy a axAm.DryGeds.. 61- W6 79 S^ VteeL &Id.... iM 9% 3% owiAIT.o w.;... nif eTY aI waAL.GW.I .1"M In U 5363AMwIaLee... M OM 4Asale.a Ob..... a NX W3 34Dethlehem steel. 51% of% M3Aeth. steeoo .... 1 Ml6 IE5Speek Rapu T.. 16 1436 141 1816Dreek. R.T. ee.. 5 10 10 13bAr. M Wa...... 40 0 90Uatte soper... M33 13 13CAoAOb..... 16 3% 1M 1?Cal Petl....... % 353 W8 -516CaL.Petroufd... m 5 6 esCanadianPal.. 14M 114 11 116cn"aralea...r. 4 401 4QN 40%chandler Mtoer.. 3 13 1 13.Ches.& Ob..... 106 59% 4 53 1c. 8. ...... a m 81C.,LLL.P..w.... 963 636 M36%C...L &P.e T wi... 74 4 74 74Chi..G.W.U... 10 114 19 -Ch.al4.W.... M 40 GM 04Chile Copper.... 12m 1M 12 11Csa C la...... 233 983 US 23aC.L Ca Tahan.... 14 764 74 76Columbia Graph. 1a16 116 11 11%Col. Gas & Ieo.- t1 61 61 61Col. Fuel A Iron. 21 '29 Is 15CoL 0oth..... 33 -3M% 32% 1SCOL Gas........ 79 10% is 7M4Corn Products... 7g11 71 71% 71Cood' Oorp.... 3 0 0 30%Crucible Seel. ... 7% 943 96% 94Cuba-Am. sugar. 9J6 29- U- 19De. & R G.... ig 'I M 3 13Den. & L. G .pI,.. - M 22Pik Horn dp4.. i" 17Xudioott Jorniow eX .- 6g OXErIe ......f.. 1 IN .W pf...... . 30A 19% 19% 336War . Lasky Play E9 56% 8% .88%Freeport Tea Ce. 30 8 is 171Gibteu w s.... '436 49 4J( 41GeeralA-pbal.. 613 62 643 6Gen.Electri.... in 135 2N lu6Gen.ot.Ctfs... 41U 14% 14% 14%G.Northpfd.---. 78 Th% 76 763HaSeU&Mke. iM5 586 8 5flappe Mo..Car.. 33 12M 131628HomestageMin.. So 50 W 0oustonO.... 74M 13M 24)1 74later. Consol.'... b64 5% 5 35 14% 149 15%Lat. Harvestr... 91% 941 909 94%In.Mo. Truck.... M 5 35Inter Nickel ..... 15M 15 15 1516internat. Paper.. 60 ES t0 5631Inincible 0il.. 14 2316 '4 961slan40.& T.... 4% 4.W 43( 4Mnos Tea....... 20 19 So 20zan. City So. Pf.. 453 45% 45Kelly-Spg. Tire.. 47* 4736 4736 47Keystone Tire... 11% 11% 1116 12Kan. City .. 50 S 0 19%Keaneoott.......'o 20 2D 1936Lacka. Steel.... L4 83 54 53Lk. .A & W. Of. 28 23 ISLehigh Valley... E2 52 52 E2Le R. & Tire... 0 20 - 2D, 203(Loew's (Inc.).... 16% 163 163 161Lft incori...... 11% 113. 11M -(Germany PBig Lots of 4Germany has become'an impertahtbuyer of copper in thin country, andshpments for German accoun; arebeing made diret to Hamburg. Forlonger than a year Germapy has beenpurchasing copper here, but 'intilrecently all uhipments have beenmade by way of Rotterdam. and onlythe last few cargoes -have gonestraight to the Ge an port of entry.Because of relations between thiscountry and Germany all those purchases have been for cash. conditionsmaking It impossible for Germany tohave credits est blished on this sideof the Atlantic. It is understo4however, that arrangements haveamade between bth ing lpteres - inthis cou,try and Germany as a resultof which c'reditb for the purchase ofcopper here will .be eqtabi'ished assoon as a treaty of pekce shalibesigned and the state of war ended.German'buylhg of copper in AmericaUALTINORE, .Tan. 96.-Paeagefra on Train No. 6. Western Maryasd Railroad. yesterday caw, ayoung, weli-dressed womanm enterthe spokiag ear and indulge in agodtipped cigarette. Nhe was aOcomaniied by a meub who, smokeda pipt.9The man and woman boardet thetrain at Blue Ridge Summit andtook a seat in the third beaeh.The man suggested that he ge tothe smoker to smnie him pipe."Il go too." the gi.1 paid."Have yots any objections it I goto the smoker?" she Inquired ofi.T. -aow wwM w se...-Q .f M31ergens 4%... " Iva-ftasfe... mis 30 *aor heu Qee )M 8% 0%asOwbm co... "WM ffftelas ou 0... 4 0 amPa.sab.5eis... 38g .1% 26 MMPaso eDevdls... g 17 1? 173Pas-A&r. F.. 749 73 7t 1%Pep-Am.1b6.,.. W U PPee.aNeoo..... 3- a18e 15gase Marquetto. I% V% 17% 'mPsasa...... 42g 41% 42% 41Irhinissetre, Sm 37% vs owPieee 041....... ( 30% K%Piee Oil Ptd ... % , 764 1630 9mPosidCLoal.... 14 14 14 M46Preps. Lar..... 14 93 3SM MPro s. Car pfd. IO 110% 1033 w Y.7 Sw 18ruPua& A.&ga.. 484 49 46 4WPur*O3 ..... 5 144 34 1 5Ray Cob Cop.Ce. -M3% 12% % 13'ase.1sona .... QM) QR7-an..... 4g E g3% 31 td... 43% 49 49 4am4Reales teel.... 84 34 - I4 33( 'RetaiUtre.... 6 58% f,6 tIMup. Motor Tv... 6K 92 '4'j 21MROy Dto N. Y.. 64M- 48% i4X 093sazon Mote.... 4X 4% 4J9 - 5Sears Roebuck.. 9 91M 9% 91Senea Copper... 18 i 1 14Shen Trade Co...- 41% 41% 41% 41%a1ol-aI C1l...... 209 22% 0 i3XMon.Paes..... .073% 6 17% W973ouftPae. rts. 21M 21 21% --81) 'Sutbera'RP. 2 32A(2% 2% 32%seu. R. pt ..... SM6 581 58 94%ptaa.Ou j.Pt.. 30 l9 19 K8%te-War.3peed.. 3M 353( 3513 L -St. Joseph Lead. 22- 2 129 18% 14studelaker..... 57 569 X6M 56%d.L.&UnF.... 21% 21% 21% 213t. L.W.R.R.... '264 w - go Istremberg COrp. U4 U 3s ifBob.Boat CoTp.. 8 14, 8M 8 9MTe asC...... 42% 42)d '.$% 4%Te. P. C.&O0l.. a4 ' 'V 34% 3%Third Ave....... 18% 17% 16% 17)4Tobseno Prod.. 856 5 , .53 L59Transoent. Ou--.- 10 10 10 10Union Oi.... 22 2 22. 2Union Pacilo... 119N 119 119. 129%United Fruit- -- 104% 1.5 104%U..Ind.Aioe... 67% 67% 67% 6XU. . Rubber.... 69% ((W 693 66%U.L.Rub.str-- 30 IM 103 103)jU.S.Wed ....... "M 81% 2 2U. a stel PCf.... UM 1,0% .110M AlUtah Copper. I... 6634 56 U 5%Va.1r.C.& Coke.. 9&% 92 1234 94MVanadium, Ine... 3gg5 .8% .7%Vivaudou. Inc... 7% 7% 7%Wabash pf. A.... 20% 20%. 10%i loWells Fargo .... 63 60% 10% E4 .Wesunghouse... 45 .45 45 45West.Md..... 10 104 IM % W MWhit otors.. 39 39 39 39White Oil Corp.. 14% 14% 14% 24Wilson pfd...... OW 8734 8fX 90Wily Overjd. 8 8 8 7KWortp. Pump L. ,49 49 49 49 -Cal: money ........ 7 7 1Sales up to11 a.m. 12 noon. 1p.m. 1 p.m.162,600 263.800ys Cash ForSopper Hereis xpected to be .eay although not ,in such great volume as in pre-wardy's. Copper .mnpa 'believe that- Getman eonsumers will take between1,000.00 and 30,090(O00 pounds of copper a mpth.greepes before the warcrippled German indastry shipmentswere running at the rate of 25.000,006to 40.000.000 pounds pnonIthly.The credit which the German copper Buyers will arrnge here once astate of peace shaall have been established wUl taku pcobablp the form ofthe revolving credit set up for thebenefit of French cohaumer5 severalmonths ago. By 'that -arrangementFrance was *i,5n agSaient metal tosupply her needs (or a stated period.after *hioh, with -the money she received from her manufactured products, she paid for the first shipment,whereupon a second sliipment wasimmediately ade.. That credit wasguaanteed by French banking estab- ,sohmems.x.mBTRMflIGHAM, Ala.. Jan. 2.-Tnrebe df thie -payli' stock of theoutheastern Epress Company, whichis tj takie 'ove the- hxpre busineseon the lihes of .6he Uputhern Railwaysystem and the, Moble and Ohio railread, to 81,000,000,' iWps authorised at' asetg of. the 'todidedr in -Birymigham yesterday 'ah -the otmartervme eneEa abodreihe r.Following the mbetng - f -stockhoderua steeting et the direotorswahp lads 3qigee* *aselecte'd deeeUIad ge'erat anaget; Cagn. CUerio A.'Lg vleepesdemt; terris W. W5s, errad trenebree, end pders'Medi

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