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VCL Style Packs from Impress Your Users and Clients with Stunning and Responsive U


Use the Vcl.Themes.TStyleEngine class to register style hook classes for your custom VCL components. A style hook is a class that you must implement to provide custom message handling for your custom control. If you have a custom control that needs special visual processing, create a style hook class that processes messages by inheriting from Vcl.Themes.TStyleHook.

VCL Style Packs from

I have been trying to make use of custom themes in my applications but am a bit frustrated by (what appear to be) limitations in the TMS implementation of themes. As far as I can see, the AdvAppStyler component only supports a built in set of (mostly) Office based themes however Delphi itself allows the use of any theme (such as those at via VSF files. Some other component suites (e.g. LMD) also support the use of these themes.

Developer Express styles are a whole different beast. They wrote them before Delphi had their own styling engine. AFAIK Dev Ex has no intention of supporting VCL styles. That info was from a few years ago, and things may have changed.

Not to discredit Almediadev, from what i have seen it seems to be a brilliant lib, but the cross-styles setup does not (to my current knowledge) support the DX Ribbon, it focuses on the QuantumGrid. This may have changed since i last checked.

Download Manatee Dark + Light VCL from DelphiStyles.comDownload Waikawa Dark + Light VCL from DelphiStyles.comDownload FMX_Ubuntu styles from Delphistyles.comDownload FMX WinModern styles from Delphistyles.comfile password linkfollow on facebook follow on linkedin Visit Our New Website

By applying the visually stunning FireMonkey and VCL styles with the TStyleBook component's collection of styles, you can create amazing-looking forms for your users. Here are some FMX Style examples from a blog by Muminjon:

  • Features: support of classic drawing, system Themes and VCL styles in all elements and in all controls

  • set of components to create Windows 10, 11 Modern UI Applications (UWP design)

  • Windows 10, 11 Fluent UI Blur and Acrylic Blur background support (you can adjust it and with VCL Style)

  • collection of controls (editors, memo, listboxes, comboboxes, editors, rounded meters, dials, H / V meters, buttons with different vector shapes and vector glyph (100+ types of glyph) and many more), which based on GDI+ vector graphic (controls can automatically use colors from styles or system, custom colors for different elements)

  • advanced controls with transparency, different types of borders, wallpapers, including wallpapers with alpha-channel

  • special component to add buttons, tabs in NC area of the styled form and improved behaviour of the form

  • special component to add alphablend transparency and wallpapers for the styled menus (styled menus works since XE2)

  • special code to improve scaling and High-DPI support for system common dialogs with VCL Styles

  • special virtual image list component, which can be HQ scaled to any size with any scale factor

  • custom images support for custom style in many controls (you can define custom images collection, which based from PNG files and use it in controls)

  • many options in controls to adjust diffrent style kinds of controls (combination of themes, styles and custom graphic)

  • glow and animation effects on controls: system animation for buttons, glow (shadow) for labels, text on controls, glow selections and more

  • advanced listboxes, comboboxes, edits, memo with transparency, wallpapers and a lot of additional properties

  • advanced switch, buttons, checkbox, radiobutton with many style kinds and with a lot of functionality

  • advanced panel, groupbox, tab controls with a lot of style kinds and a lot of parameters for adjusting

  • treeview, listview components, which fully support Themes and VCL Styles + additional features for adjusting

  • cool office controls to show galleries of icons, grid views and more

  • different pager controls with a lot of advanced features

  • shell controls with thumbnails support + different shell dialog, which based on own controls

  • grids with transparency, wallpapers, transparent editors and more features

  • DB controls

  • ability to create custom dropdown (popup) form and link it to control

  • touch scrolling support in controls

  • High-DPI (scaling) support for controls, forms, menus, messages to any scale factor (100%, 125%, 150% - 200% and more ("Enable High-DPI" option available sinse 10 Seattle))

  • special adapting unit (available for registered version) to support VCL Styles in DevExpress controls (QuantumGrid, Scheduler and more

  • really easy to use and adjusting controls for standard themes and VCL Styles

  • support of our SmartEffects VCL (cool animation and transition effects in your applications)

  • support of our ImageKit VCL (smooth animations and cool 3D animation and transition effects in your applications)

  • 64-bit support

  • many more...


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